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Dallas Crow

Does anything date this more clearly than the title and credit font?

Tom Nissley

I think that's the same font Pound used to set the Cantos, right?

Josh Feit

Ed Asner in cast credits.

Tom Nissley

His big scene (as the local cop) comes toward the end, when he defuses a sit-in at the local supermarket by out-liberaling the liberals until the protesters don't know what to do.

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Fortnightly Firmament #14: Writers Facing Death

  • 1. Jonathan Swift on the death of Mrs. Johnson
  • 2. Stieg Larsson at 22
  • 3. Thomas Bernhard's anti-Austrian will
  • 4. Beth Alcott's mist floats away
  • 5. David Rakoff's last dance
  • 6. Irene Nemirovsky's raft in an ocean of leaves
  • 7. Michel de Montaigne's other half
  • 8. Sigmund Freud's last reading
  • 9. Christopher Hitchens's hospital library
  • 10. Margaret Wise Brown's final kick
  • 11. Heinrich von Kleist's joyous pact
  • 12. William James's goodbye to his father

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Fortnightly Firmament #14: Writers Facing Death

  • 1. Jonathan Swift on the death of Mrs. Johnson
  • 2. Stieg Larsson at 22
  • 3. Thomas Bernhard's anti-Austrian will
  • 4. Beth Alcott's mist floats away
  • 5. David Rakoff's last dance
  • 6. Irene Nemirovsky's raft in an ocean of leaves
  • 7. Michel de Montaigne's other half
  • 8. Sigmund Freud's last reading
  • 9. Christopher Hitchens's hospital library
  • 10. Margaret Wise Brown's final kick
  • 11. Heinrich von Kleist's joyous pact
  • 12. William James's goodbye to his father