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Michael McKenna


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Fortnightly Firmament #14: Writers Facing Death

  • 1. Jonathan Swift on the death of Mrs. Johnson
  • 2. Stieg Larsson at 22
  • 3. Thomas Bernhard's anti-Austrian will
  • 4. Beth Alcott's mist floats away
  • 5. David Rakoff's last dance
  • 6. Irene Nemirovsky's raft in an ocean of leaves
  • 7. Michel de Montaigne's other half
  • 8. Sigmund Freud's last reading
  • 9. Christopher Hitchens's hospital library
  • 10. Margaret Wise Brown's final kick
  • 11. Heinrich von Kleist's joyous pact
  • 12. William James's goodbye to his father

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Fortnightly Firmament #14: Writers Facing Death

  • 1. Jonathan Swift on the death of Mrs. Johnson
  • 2. Stieg Larsson at 22
  • 3. Thomas Bernhard's anti-Austrian will
  • 4. Beth Alcott's mist floats away
  • 5. David Rakoff's last dance
  • 6. Irene Nemirovsky's raft in an ocean of leaves
  • 7. Michel de Montaigne's other half
  • 8. Sigmund Freud's last reading
  • 9. Christopher Hitchens's hospital library
  • 10. Margaret Wise Brown's final kick
  • 11. Heinrich von Kleist's joyous pact
  • 12. William James's goodbye to his father